Call J.E.R.S.: (847) 657-8900

“Keeping Your Car Reliable and Safe” is our mission statement.

We are proud to provide expert car repair and maintenance for all makes and models in Glenview, IL.

Wondering what to expect from our mechanics? Let our car care customers tell you!

Customer Testimonials

JERS provides high quality and honest service. I have been taking my car there for over ten years and have no plans to change that. This is the best place for car repair in the area, no question.

Matt W.

JERS valued My time and money

Caroline G.

Always friendly, knowledgeable with great service, great price – what more could you ask for?

Sharon O.

Great service, great value. My car repairs were done on time and on budget. I would highly recommend JERS Automotive.

Peter A.

I can’t say enough good things about this place. A friend recommended J.E.R.S. to me and I have always found the service to be honest, friendly and reliable. Everyone on the team makes an effort to walk me through the work so I understand what is being done. They are very upfront about parts and pricing. I look forward to coming back!

Kailey M.
Call J.E.R.S.: (847) 657-8900

We work on all makes and models and perform all types of repair and maintenance.

Call J.E.R.S.(847) 657-8900

Call J.E.R.S.: (847) 657-8900

Oil Change Special

Car Maintenance Specials

Brake Repair Special